Online Entrepreneur Newsletter – #019

I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, that over the coming weeks, I would update you on the progress and actions steps taken to build the website, get content onto the site and start making some money.

Here is the update for week 1 of building a new online website.

The Website

The website is an essential part of being an online entrepreneur. Its where prospective buyers get information about your niche and hopefully go on to buy products from you.

The products can be ones you’ve created, ones you are selling for someone else (affiliate marketing) or a combination of both.

The more value provided to the site visitor the more likely the visitor will buy from your site. Good content is vital to building the know, like and trust that will eventually encourage purchases.

Content is also how Google will determine your page ranking on their search engine.

The more informative the content the more likely Google will see your site as being expert, authority and trustworthy. (EAT)

Google continually updates the type of information it wants from each site.

You could have a site that generates 1000 visitors or 100,000 visitors per month. Suddenly, without warning traffic stops going to your website. This is down to Google changing the algorithm for check EAT of a website.

Online Entrepreneurs who continue to provide good content on a regular basis tend to find their website isn’t affected as much as people who focus solely on SEO and making money.

There might be a drop in traffic but it tends to come back after a week or two for people providing good content. It is important to create good content to satisfy not just Google (the biggest search engine) but all the other search engines as well.

Week One Activities

Most of these activities took around 5 mins – 30 mins to action. It might seem there is a lot but I spent no more than 30 minutes a day working on the website. I spend longer on creating the blogs and the time spent depends on how long the blogs are.

This is a list of the activities on my website in week 1

Monday – Bought URL, pointed to webhosting and selected a site theme.

Tuesday – Set up the back-office parts of the website – SEO Optimization, Meta Titles and Content Framework. Removed preset blogs, comments, etc. that come as default with the website.

Wednesday – Created the “about me” post as part of the authority and expertise for the website. Added it to the Menu and Navigation.

Thursday – Created the Privacy Policy (GDPR) and customized the menu and navigation

Friday – The first blog was written and for SEO used backlinks to,, and a YouTube Video.

Saturday – received notification that Google has indexed the “about me” post. The newsletter link was created and added to the menu and navigation. A signup newsletter post was written. In addition, I took some time to write the outline for the Business Plan.

It has been a successful week one with setting up the new website. The first post has been indexed by Google which means I am now on their search engine and can start to get some statistics about visitors.

This Week’s Action Steps

Start adding the website framework and create the first post or two for the website.

If you are interested in using Wealthy Affiliate as your website hosting my affiliate link for the site is

I will receive a small commission if you purchase any of the plans.

If you join Wealthy Affiliate they have training videos that will take you through each of the steps mentioned above.

Connect With Me

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Continue the journey to becoming an Online Entrepreneur and Connect with me on

X – @newydd105 (formerly Twitter)

Instagram – @karennewtoninternational

Facebook –

Website –

Chat again soon


Karen Newton International

Wealth Income Lifestyle

3x #1 International Best-Selling Author

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