What Types of SEO Links Does a Website Need?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) links are an important part of building the reputation of a website and improving search engine rankings.

When a website is just starting 3 main SEO links can be quickly added to a website to improve rankings

In this blog, we’ll take a look at what they are and how to add them to your site.


Links help search engines understand the dynamics of your website. The search engine will determine how valuable the site is for the customer based on the type of links on the website.

Over the past couple of years, search engines have changed the parameters around what they look for on a website and how the site is ranked.

The focus is placed on EEAT.

  • Experience – are visitors to the site getting the type of information they require?
  • Expertise – is the author of the website an expert in this type of content?
  • Authority – is the information valuable to the visitor?
  • Trustworthy – is the site trustworthy?


Therefore, while there are many different types of SEO links the most important ones to focus on are

  • Internal Links
  • External Links
  • Backlinks


With an emphasis placed on the experience of the visitor to the site, more informative content is required on the website.

Writing quality blogs with a lot of information and connecting the blogs through links suggests there is value in the site.

It will also help to establish the author as an authority.

Gone are the days of writing sales copy and producing a one-page website. Today the more content on the website the better it will rank.

So, when writing blogs, can they be linked to another internal blog?

For instance, this blog could be linked to other blogs such as

How to Become an Online Entrepreneur Blog

Know Like and Trust Marketing Blog

10 Skills to Become an Online Entrepreneur Blog

And there are more blogs available to link this to blog to.


There is a lot of planning and linking of blogs to create the type of content that the search engines require.

More importantly, site visitors have plenty of information to keep them on the site and increase their user experience.

Every blog on your website will require regular updating to refresh it for the search engine. Updating the blogs and adding more internal links is a good strategy for keeping the blog relevant.

As a guideline, you should be looking to

  • Write 100+ blogs over 12 months.
  • Create links between the blogs. Search engines don’t like to see stand-alone blogs.
  • Update the blogs regularly at least 3 monthly so search engines recognise this is an active website.

Mapping the links on a chart will help keep track of what you are creating and ensure no blogs are stand-alone.

I use a mapping app and paper backup – colour coded – to keep track of all the links.


If you have other platforms or websites this is a good opportunity to connect them as a resource through using external links.

Sales links are recognised as sales links and don’t register the same value as a link to other content that the website owner creates.

For instance, I have several platforms that I’m able to link to

The list goes on.

Creating external links to the content on each site lets the search engines know that I can tick all the boxes on the EEAT formula.

  • User Experience – there are more resources available for the visitor to gain more knowledge
  • Expertise – yes, I have expertise otherwise why would I have all these other channels and put so much effort into maintaining them
  • Authority – yes, I’m known in my industry for what I teach
  • Trustworthy – yes, this is not a scam page and is part of an online business network.

It takes time to build these different websites and the external links for the article.

This is one of the reasons being an online entrepreneur is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a long-term strategy for creating the right connections


This is one of the harder links to generate.

Backlinks lets the search engine know other people appreciate what you do and will refer or reference your work on their sites.

When creating backlinks don’t fall into the trap of buying links as search engines know the difference and this will damage your site.

So, how do you create backlinks?

  • Write good value blogs with data. Make the data unique to you. Some research that you have done that can be used as a reference on other websites.
  • Partner up with some of your friends and colleagues to share backlinks with links to specific blogs
  • Write Guest Posts and get colleagues to write Guest Posts on your site
  • Write Articles for online digital news sites with links back to your website

Organic growth will come as your website grows and is recognized for its high quality and quantity of information.



These are the 3 key SEO links to add to your blogs and website to help search engine rankings.

Content creation is about writing the right type of content to create the right link within blogs and your website.

Creating the links takes time. Plan the content and plan the type of links you want to create around the content.

Remember it is an ongoing process with each blog written to ensure you get the best possible search engine rankings.

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