Newsletter – #002 – What Language Does Your Customer Speak

It might seem simple to say know your ideal customer but do you know who your ideal customer is?

Most people when starting in business will say their product or service is perfect for everyone.  Everyone is different which means if your advertising message is too general no one notices it because it isn’t in their language..

The more you can learn about your customer the more you can customize your content to attract the right customer and increase sales.

What Language Does Your Ideal Client Speak

When asking about the language that a client speaks we aren’t looking at English, French or Spanish.  What language means in marketing is where the prospective client is with their life journey.  It is looking at the words that will mean the most to them.

For example, I do an exercise with my clients about language to help them understand how one size does not fit all.Baby Talk

Grab some pictures of

  1. a baby;
  2. a 2-5 year old;
  3. a teenager;
  4. newly married couple;
  5. couple in their 40s – 50s with their family
  6. retired folks in their 70s or 80s.

Now the fun starts.

What language would you use when talking to the people in each picture?

For Example

The Baby – baby language such as goo goo

Newly Married Couple – language about the future, building a life together, having a family, buying a home

70s – 80s – life in retirement, fun activities for the elderly,

Now go and do the exercise yourself for each picture.

You’ll soon discover they each have their own language, even male and female within each age bracket will have different languages.

You can break this down even further to the language for each job sector, industry.

Now you can direct your message to the right person using the language that they will understand the best.

Know Your Avatar

When I first started Karen Newton International, I was working with men who were around 5 years from retiring and had no pension.  They wanted to have enough money to be able to retire.  I had an image of what the person looked like.  Male 50 – 60, grey hair, no money needing to start from scratch build income and wealth starting from zero.

I used the words that attracted that kind of client.

I ran seminars to sell the course.  There were 2 or 3 guest speakers sharing the stage with me, telling their stories about building wealth.  They were the spitting image of my perfect customer. Older men.  Because, the people in the audience, that I wanted as customers could resonate with them.

Build the image of the perfect customer then each time you are creating your marketing, advertising and content, use the language that best suits your perfect customer.

Tools to Help Grow Your Business

Here are some products that will help you to grow your online business  

Affiliate Marketing – A guide to making money online

This book is available through Amazon stores worldwide.

Note: For clients in Northern Ireland, due to Brexit, the book may show as “Out of Stock” if using Amazon UK.  If this message occurs the book will need to be bought from a EU country such as Germany, France or Spain – it will still be in english.

Quick Affiliate Profits – is an online course that goes through the first steps in setting up a online affiliate marketing business.  Available from

This Week’s Action Steps

Do the exercise above and create an ideal Avatar for your business.

Have a picture of what your perfect avatar will look like.  A list of words they are most likely to use and include these in any blogs or advertising.

Make a list of the types of interests they will most like have.

Connect With Me

X – @newydd105  (formerly Twitter)

Instagram – @karennewtoninternational

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Website –

Thanks for reading and chat again soon


Founder Karen Newton International

Wealth, Income and Lifestyle

3x #1 International Best-Selling Author

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