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Your Resource For Online Success

Wealth, Income, Lifestyle is the philosophy behind Karen Newton International.

Build cash-rich online businesses and invest the profits in income-generating assets to build the lifestyle you’ve dreamt about.

Most people struggle with building an Online Business and fall at the first hurdle in creating wealth.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership addresses that concern by providing training and resources to help you become successful online.

 In a recent survey people said the thing that stopped them from creating a successful online business is confusion about the different aspects of building a website and monetizing it.

In the same survey, the biggest regret was not starting sooner.

That’s where The Online Entrepreneur Membership helps you.

Learn about

  • Online Business Models
  • SEO for Driving Traffic to Websites
  • Monetizing A Website
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Memberships
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creating Lead Magnets
  • Email Marketing
  • Creating mini-courses
  • Online Coaching
  • and more …

Creating Online Businesses.

Write code, and build a website are you crazy?

That was my first reaction which is why I used many people to build websites for me.

However, I soon realized technology has advanced and building a website is now relatively easy. Certainly easier than when I started my online career.

There are now 8 websites, created by me.

The best part is I can sit down, write the content and publish it when I’m ready not when I have website managers hounding me for content.

The freedom to build my own websites, controlling content, rankings, traffic and sales has had a huge shift on my business.

Learn my step-by-step process with video tutorials, for creating website in Online Business Mastery Training Course. Free when you join The Online Entrepreneur Membership.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is a combination of skills that helps your website rank higher and attract more traffic.

There are SEO skills for making your website more friendly and creating the type of content that ranks higher and people want to see.

This is how my websites consistently rank in the top 10 and content frequently reaches #1.

You will see how this is achieved with live and video training.

Monetizing a Website

There are many ways to monetize a website but most people think only about Google Adsense which is the worst way to make money.

Have you watched the top online earners talk about how they generate so much income through their websites?

Well, Adsense isn’t on their websites.

They use many other ways to generate income and through The Online Entrepreneur Membership you’ll learn the strategies that generate real money.

Affiliate Marketing

This is one of the most overrated and underrated tools for generating income on a website.

Why overrated?

The hype about creating income from affiliate marketing makes most people think they can add a link to their website and the sales will flow in.

Unfortunately, there is a lot more to making money as an affiliate marketer but it is still one of the easiest ways to generate income.

Underrated because Affiliate Marketing is one of the great online business models for building sustainable income and wealth.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership will help you get the skills and strategies right so you can earn money.


Memberships are a great business tool for building monthly recurring revenue and growing a brand.

So why do people make them seem so complicated and hard to run?

Generally, this comes down to not knowing how memberships work or how to efficiently balance creativity and time with a membership site.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership will help you decide the model that will work best for your business.

Social Media Marketing

There is one mistake most people make on Social Media and that is using one piece of marketing and expecting it to work on all platforms.

This sets your Social Media Marketing up for failure.

There are different nuances with each platform and learning how to create the right content for each platform puts you one step ahead of the competition.

You’ll discover how to do this in The Online Entrepreneur Membership.

How to Create Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are essential for helping attract the right type of people to your website and improve sales conversion rates.

There are many different types of lead magnets from books, reports, videos, webinars and other options such as gamification.

Similar to Social Media Marketing it is about finding the right type of lead magnet to use on the right platform and for the right demographic.

I use many lead magnets including all the above options to attract traffic and sales and it is an online skill that helps you draw more people to your product and service.

Learn more about Lead Magnets with The Online Entrepreneur Membership.

Why You Need an Email List

With all the online tools available to entrepreneurs, the reality is that 90% of online sales still come from an email list.

Building a list of people interested in your product or services is a skill in itself.

Creating the type of content to encourage people to buy is another part of the online jigsaw.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership will help you learn how to build an email list and how to nuture it with autoresponders taking away the time and effort to manage your list.

Creating Mini-Courses

Mini-courses are great for learning a specific skill and usually for a fraction of the cost of training.

It is the ultimate passive income. Create and sell a mini-course. But where do you start, how do you price it, and how do you market it.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership will take you through the process of generating sales and how to deliver your content to buyers.

Online Coaching

This is the ultimate way to make money online. A friend of mine will run online coaching to over 1000 people at a time.

My preference is smaller groups where I work with 10+. Smaller, as with my online coaching I like to be able to see and read faces during the training session.

The tools and presentation are still the same for larger or smaller groups and this is covered in The Online Entrepreneur Membership.

How I Became an Online Entrepreneur

My online career started in 2003 when I self-published my first book.

It was a nightmare learning all the different online rules for publishing. It took weeks to get the first book published. The process is much easier now.

Today I’m a 3x #1 International Best-Selling Author with books published around the world.

But that’s not all I do.

My online income is generated through self-publishing books; mini-courses; online coaching; affiliate marketing and memberships.

It has been a huge learning curve for me. Hopping from one training course to another and never quite finding all the information or training I wanted.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership brings all this information under one umbrella to help you get the best results possible.

Help you to create cash-rich online businesses so you can invest the profits into income-generating assets.

Build your Wealth, Income and Lifestyle today with The Online Entrepreneur Membership.

Membership Benefits

As a member, you’ll have access to

1. Online Business Mastery – live training sessions where you are taken through the theory and see it put into practice

2. Private Community – where you can ask questions and support other members

3. The Online Entrepreneur Newsletter – weekly tips for growing an Online Business

4. Content Creation – learn how to create the right type of content for website growth

5. Google Search Strategies – for higher rankings

6. Join our Challenges – this improves rankings, traffic to your sites and boosts sales

This will take you from novice to expert in a short time.

Other Resources

The Online Entrepreneur YouTube Channel

With the launch of The Online Entrepreneur YouTube channel, there are weekly updates about building an online business but as a member of The Online Entrepreneur, you’ll have access to additional training videos reserved purely for members.

The Online Entrepreneur Newsletter

This weekly newsletter provides tips and action steps for building an online business. You are automatically subscribed to the newsletter on joining the Online Entrepreneur Membership.

The Online Entrepreneur Website

Click on the category tab at the top of the website and discover all the topics that will help you to build a successful online business.

Make Online Success a Part of Your Life

How often have you found yourself say, I wish I had done that a few years ago?

The internet is growing daily with online sales increasing at an exponential rate 2023 sales were in the Trillions of dollars and expected to reach $5.3 trillion by the end of 2024.

What is holding you back from becoming successful online.

The Online Entrepreneur Membership is your stepping stone to success. Join today.

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