Online Entrepreneur Newsletter #043
Planning Your Week
It is strange that over the past two weeks the number of times someone has asked me how I manage to fit everything in and what my time management tips are.
My reply is usually, I don’t know. My mind just compartmentalizes everything.
But with the question being asked so many times over the past two weeks, I started to think about what I do, when, how and monitor my work. It has certainly been interesting.
Time Management Tips
As I look at some of the things I do automatically each week in my time management here are some tips
- Daily habits – As soon as I get up, the computer is switched on and I check overnight sales, content performance, financial markets etc. This helps set up what I’ll be writing about during the day. While some content is pre-planned, such as this newsletter, other content for other websites often relies on the markets. That can only be created on the day.
- Systems – I have templates in place for almost everything I do. There are templates for writing books, website content, videos and slide presentations. This means the format is already in place and all I’m doing is updating the content with the topic of the day. I don’t have to worry about starting from scratch which does take time. Other systems include the way content is published. See below.
- Forward Planning – where possible all content created on non-market related sites, such as Online Entrepreneur, or Social Media, is scheduled to go out on certain days maybe one or two weeks ahead. Repeat monthly emails are scheduled at the beginning of the month. Social media content is scheduled. Tasks for achieving goals are also forward planned this ensures that goals are achieved by due dates.
- No Interruption Time – each day there are no interruption times when my head is down working on a project. Phones are set aside, everything is switched off on the computer except for what I’m working on. This quiet time helps me concentrate 100% on what I’m working on. Instead of taking 1 or 2 hours with interruptions, I can often complete the project in under an hour.
- Sales calls and Coaching Calls are at set times each week. Sales Calls are Monday – Wednesday afternoons. Coaching calls are during the first week of the month unless I’m running a new course and need to record content then it runs weekly until the content is completed.
- Automation – where possible automation is used. It is surprising what can be automated these days. I find that if I’m doing something frequently then I tend to look at how it can be automated and free up my time to work on other things.
- Know You Topic – I spend a lot of time learning and researching my topics. This means I can create from knowledge and experience so things like, writers block, or writing ideas are not a problem. When you know your topic there is always something you can share with your online audience.
In writing this week’s newsletter, one of the common threads when talking about my time management is systems. Systems are the backbone of making everything work without having to think about it.
Don’t make the systems complicated as often they aren’t used.
Instead, make the system a habit of actions taken every day. That way the systems will always work.
For example,
I write this newsletter each week. It is either created from client questions or from a blog on The Online Entrepreneur. Next, I use the blog and the newsletter to create a video.
Content from the blog becomes chapters in books.
The system helps me take a topic and create many different types of content from usually a question a client asks.
So, thank you to the people who raised this topic and made me stop and think about what I do during the week, how I do it and when I do it. The answer to the question has now become a newsletter, a blog, a video and a chapter in my latest book.
Also, thank you because it is important to step back at times and take the helicopter view of everything you do and how it can be improved and your question helped me to do that this week.
This Week’s Action Step
When was the last time you stepped back from your business and took time to look at everything you do?
What can you change to increase output during the day and increase freedom of time without sacrificing income from your business?
New YouTube Channel
A new YouTube Channel – The Online Entrepreneur has just been created. Videos are currently being edited and will be added to the channel in the coming week so please subscribe.
The information will be in addition to this newsletter and the website
I look forward to seeing you there.
And finally, don’t forget Members Only where you will find the free training course Online Business Mastery, the new community feature, plus books and more for the monthly subscription of £9.97
Have a great week
Karen Newton International
Wealth Income Lifestyle
3x #1 International Best-Selling Author