New YouTube Channel

Great excitement with the launch of the Online Entrepreneur YouTube Channel.

It is a channel dedicated to helping you create successful online businesses.

Why a New YouTube Channel?

The formula for wealth is to build a business and invest the profits into property, shares, cryptocurrency and commodities such as gold and silver.

My business model is to teach investing strategies and then provide joint venture opportunities for clients to pool their money and invest.

The main block was, for most people, building an online business that was making sufficient money for them to be able to invest.

So, in October 2023, I launched this website – The Online Entrepreneur – as a resource for how to build a website and monetize it.

In January 2024, the course Online Business Mastery was launched with clients saying how easy it was and the amazing results they were getting in generating traffic to their websites as they implemented the strategies they were learning.

Karen Newton International has a website that covered investing and while some videos were added to the channel it became obvious that a new channel was needed specifically aimed at making money online.

That is where The Online Entrepreneur YouTube Channel comes in.

What You Can Expect on the New YouTube Channel

The Online Entrepreneur YouTube Channel will be specifically aimed at making money online through

  • Content Creation
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Memberships
  • Course Creation
  • Self-Publishing
  • and more

I’ll be sharing everything I do to build online businesses, drive traffic and make sales.

I will be looking for your suggestions to provide the type of information you need to either start an online business or move it to the next level.

My Experience Online

My first foray into being an online entrepreneur started with writing and publishing my first book in 2003.

Since then I have written and published 30 books with 3 of them becoming #1 International Best-Sellers.

I learned the difference between creating books for information, lead magnets and ones to go international.

Selling via Websites

Once a book was published, a website would be created to generate products and services relating to the book’s topic.

I soon found I could sell other people’s products and became an affiliate marketer.

However, the tech side of building websites was complicated for me and I was reliant on someone else to create the websites. This meant I didn’t always get what I wanted on the site besides being expensive.

As technology was made simpler, I found myself learning more about creating online websites, content creation, SEO and driving traffic to the websites.

Today, with 8 websites ranking in the top 10 and many blog posts ranking #1 it has become easier to get traffic and make sales.

How A Book Built an International Coaching Business

One day a guy stopped me in the street with a copy of one of my books in his hand and asked me to coach him.

That was the start of Karen Newton International.

Today the business teaches people how to build online businesses and invest the profits into property, shares and commodities through joint ventures.

Today, in March 2024 we have over 200 people investing through US Share Groups and International Property Investment Companies. With $1 million in US shares and $550k in property ventures.

That brings us back to the beginning and why the Online Entrepreneur Website and now YouTube Channel have been created – to help you make money for investing.

Tiny Steps Bring Success

Starting life as an entrepreneur was accidental – literally.

A car crash that left me taking 2 years to learn to walk again, taught me an important lesson that I’ve applied to investing. Tiny steps, repeated often bring success.

Building an Online Business is the same.

Put a plan in place and take one action step every day. Within a very short time, a successful business is created.

When I started The Online Entrepreneur, I allocated just 30 minutes a day to building the website and creating content. T

he reason for the 30-minute time frame, I was recovering from COVID-19 and suffering from extreme fatigue. I would be awake for an hour and sleep for 4-5 hours afterward. I couldn’t allocate hours to building the website.

Yet, with just 30 minutes a day, I very quickly built a website that was ranked at #8 on Google Search Console.

You can do the same.

Through using the resources on this website, studying how things are structured and with the help of the new YouTube channel, you will soon have your own successful online website and business.

The Online Entrepreneur – KNI YouTube Channel

Check out – The Online Entrepreneur -KNI YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to subscribe. You’ll be helping us make the type of content you need for success.





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