Newsletter #011 – Create a Template for Content Creation

One of the biggest reasons Online Entrepreneurs fail to get traffic to their website, is the lack of content on the site.

For some it is a sales page with nothing else.

Let’s be frank here, the days of creating a website with just a sales page are long gone. Google now wants plenty of content on a website so the visitor is getting information (value as Google calls it).

The better the content the better the traffic and the better the opportunity to start earning an income from the website.

The Website Challenge

Google and other search engines are now wanting good quality content on the website before they will consider indexing the content let alone giving a good ranking to the website.

This is one of the reasons we do the 30 blogs in 30 days challenge. It gets content onto the website and a lot of it to start attracting the search engines.

Ideally, you’ll be looking to get around 100+ blogs onto the website quickly. Then writing around 10 blogs per month until you have over 200 hundred blogs. Now the writing can be reduced and just add one or two blogs a month to keep the site active.

Writing is a Challenge for Me

I frequently hear it’s okay for you, you enjoy writing. I have no idea what to write or how to get started.

So, here are some tips for creating content and getting blogs written.

My template for writing this newsletter is
1. What is a problem for the reader – identify a topic from a previous newsletter and/or comments received
2. How would I solve the problem – write down what steps I would use to solve the problem
3. What action could the reader take now – give an actionable step relating to the topic that the reader can do immediately.

This is exactly the same process I follow for creating a blog.

With this newsletter, the problem was how to condense the information into short bites of actionable information that could be read in just a few minutes.

With a blog, I use the same format, it is just in a longer version. I can add more subtitles, content and pictures to explain a point.

Blogs don’t need to be perfect. They need to identify a problem, provide suggestions to solve the problem and have a conclusion so the reader has some actionable steps to take away.

Sometimes people worry about the length of a blog. There is no right or wrong. Some of my blogs can be 500 words others go up to 2000 – 3000. On average I like to keep blogs around 1000 words.

If or when, the blog is indexed by Google, they just like to see some variety in length and unique content. They check for plagiarism. Copy and paste of other people’s content will be picked up quickly and blocked. It has to be unique to you.

The aim is to just write something about your topic and get it onto your website or blog site.

Create Categories

For every niche there is a smaller and smaller niche that can be added to the website.

For instance, is about creating online businesses. Specifically, websites that focus on content creation.

My strategy has been simply to follow the process for the newsletters and expand the topic even more. This means that when I write a newsletter about Niche. I am then looking to create about another 10 or more blogs around niche marketing. The category is niche marketing.

When the newsletter focuses on Social Media Marketing then a category about Social Media Marketing will be created. Then 10+ blogs will be added to the Social Media Category.

As is a new website still going through the building stage the plan is in place for the categories to be expanded as the content is expanded.

Every website should be an evolution as the website grows.

Keeping the Search Engines Happy

There is a fine line between writing to solve customer problems and keeping the search engines happy so you have higher rankings.

Google will categorize the content written on a website to identify if you are an authority on your topic.

If you write 100 blogs and each blog fits into 100 different categories, Google says you are an authority in nothing.

To keep the search engines happy, pick on category and write 10+ blogs in the category. Then select the next category and write another 10+ blogs. This way Google thinks you can write 10 blogs or more on this topic. There’s plenty of information. You must be an authority in your field.

So, while you are writing for the visitor to your site and to solve their problem also remember to keep the search engines happy and this way you will get your ranking higher. Find the balance and add this into the template for content creation.

This Week’s Action Step

Take the 30 blogs in 30 day challenge to kickstart your website.
1. Your product or service solves a problem. Make a list of all the problems being solved.
2. Take one problem each day and write about it.
3. Post to your website.
4. Watch the comments and see what other problems potential clients are having.

You should be able to come up with a topic for at least 100 blogs or more.

Have fun with the writing.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The Online Entrepreneur Website

I created The Online Entrepreneur Website as a site of learning and resources to help grow an Online Business – visit

Regularly as more content is added each week.


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Some Products to Help You Build an Online Business

Affiliate Marketing Book – Available on all Amazon Book Sites – Check the site best for your location.

Note: Clients in Northern Ireland may have problems buying the book from Amazon UK due to Brexit and may need to use one of the EU sites. Often there is an “Out of Stock” message. This means you will need a different Amazon site or the ebook version.

Quick Affiliate Products has more content about writing blogs, sales and marketing

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Karen Newton International

Wealth Income Lifestyle

3x #1 International Best-Selling Author

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