Online Entrepreneur Newsletter #042

More Severe Than First Thought

As the fallout continues from the month-long Google Algorithm update many are finding it more severe than they first thought with many irresponsible knee-jerk reactions.

Now is the time to take stock of what is working well and what isn’t.

Google Update

March 5th saw Google announce that it was instigating a month-long cleanout of what it called “spammy” content.

This meant it was looking at websites that were sales-driven with no value to the visitor. This could be advertising sites, sites with just sales pages and sites that were AI-created.

Some online creators found their traffic and conversions which were normally in the thousands every day, had disappeared and their sites’ data zeroed. With what appeared to be the swing of an axe, their websites went from top 10 rankings to being outside classification.

Many of these influencers, had several websites with not just one website being removed but every website going.  In frustration, the influencers were making wild claims about removing their websites from Google Search Console, promoting other search engines and more.

The reality is if the website has been affected by the Google Update, then it doesn’t have the type of content Google wants and that Google believes its clients want.  Clients are the people who do searches on Google.

Not Enough Content

In a 2023 survey, it was found that 80% of search queries don’t get the answer they are looking for.  16% of all searches each day, are brand new searches.

This means that for 80% of searches on Google, the content that searchers are looking for doesn’t exist.  Google finds the closest type of information and provides that.

This suggests there is a big opportunity for people to get their websites to the top of the rankings simply by providing the right type of content.  Content the searchers want.

If 16% of searches each day are brand new, this gives us an indication of what the new trends are and how websites can get to the top of a new query trend.

Creating more content on your website, the type of content that searchers are looking for, will get your website to the top of the search engine rankings.  Do your research on what searchers are looking for and provide the content they want.

Most websites tend to not provide enough content for the searchers and this is why their rankings are low.

Do Your Research

Pretty websites, with no valuable content, will find their rankings dropped.  Simple websites with regularly updated content will find their website rankings going higher.  Simply because they are providing new content regularly.

Blogging on your website at least once a week will help to increase the value of content and help the ranking of your website.  Remember EEAT (Expertise, Experience, Authority, Trustworthy) are the key indicators that Google wants.

Research your topic and find the type of queries searchers want answers to.  Provide the answers and you’ll shoot straight to the top of the rankings.

Blogging sites will need 100 posts in the first year on the topic.  Aim to add another 100 each year so over 5 years there are 500 posts on the website.

I write about being an Online Entrepreneur.  With nearly 60 posts on the website – maybe more when you read this – I have barely scratched the surface of being an Online Entrepreneur. 500 blogs or more will not be a problem as the industry is continually changing which gives me more to write about.

When you do your research and you know your topic it will be easy to create valuable content.

How Many Words Should I Write?

The answer to that question is how many words will it take to give detailed information to searcher?

Writing a post that is 500 words long probably doesn’t give enough information.  1000+. Maybe 2000 or more would be something good to aim for.

As an example, these newsletters have on average 1000+ words.  Yet, each week there is more content that could be provided.  That’s why there is a website Online Entrepreneur with far more information than I could hope to put in a newsletter.

Don’t worry about how many words that are written.  Think more about how you can solve the problem that the reader is trying to solve or at least offer them some answers and a way to solve the problem through your courses, books or whatever you are selling.

Provide Value and Your Website Will Do Well

The Google March updates are hitting a lot of websites and no doubt the new updates for May will also have an impact but if you do your research, find what searchers want and provide the solutions your website may drop down slightly but over the following 2 – 3 weeks recover its ranking and even improve.

Don’t opt for knee-jerk reactions instead concentrate on providing value as that is what Google is looking for.

This Week’s Action Step

Review your content – content should be updated regularly.  When was the last time you looked at how posts are ranking on your website and update the lowest-ranked ones?

Members Only

Members Only is the membership site that will help you build a successful online business.  It consists of

  • Community Forum where you can ask questions and get support of growing your business
  • Online Business Mastery Training – live training sessions to build a website, learn how to create content and sell your courses, books etc.
  • eBooks
  • Joint Venture opportunities to invest the profits from your website profits
  • Discounts on other courses and more

Members Only is your first step to building wealth.  Get the business right and the cash flowing and you can create wealth, income and lifestyle.

At only £9.97 per month this is an amazing opportunity.

Some of the topics covered so far

  • Creating a website
  • Setting up the SEO Framework including Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions
  • Branding your website with your logo, artwork and colours
  • Creating EEAT content for better rankings
  • Building internal, external links and backlinks.
  • Google Search Console to understand traffic, rankings and improve non-performing content

Everything you need to improve your website – Members Only is a consistently evolving membership because the online world in consistently evolving.


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Karen Newton International

Wealth Income Lifestyle

3x #1 International Best-Selling Author

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